Career Path Planning


Career Path Planning Coaching Is A Fit If You Are:
A professionally driven person interested in developing a plan to drive your career progression and career path forward, or define the next best step in your career. Watch this video to learn how our coaching programs work.

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What You’ll Get:

You'll receive 3 one-on-one 45-minute phone or video conference sessions with an Industry Certified Career Coach experienced in your field. This coaching service includes downloadable worksheets and guides to help you track, implement and drive change, helping you reach your ideal career path.

Session 1:

  • Establish a launch point by defining the goals of your career path.

  • Understand and define the professional obstacles currently hindering you from gaining progress in your career path.

  • Develop an actionable plan to overcome barriers.

Session 2:

  • Define actionable goals; build short-term, long-term and stretch goals, establish deliverables and timelines to help you reach the next level in your career.

  • Formulate an actionable plan to execute against your career goals.

Session 3:

  • Report your progress, roadblocks, successes, and failures after the first 30 days of executing your career plan.

  • Adjust your goals to help overcome the challenges you’ve faced after the first 30 days of plan execution.

  • Learn to manage your goals holistically, with more clarity and a defined purpose to avoid future failures or missteps.

What to expect:

  • Industry Certified Career Coach matched to your career level and industry.

  • First session scheduled after you upload your Wayfinder profile

  • Know the Mentor Happy Résumé Writer you'd like to work with? Request him or her when uploading your Wayfinder!

  • Watch this video to learn how to get started with Mentor Happy 1:1 services.